lauantai 13. elokuuta 2011

My black&white world loves my new black&white hair ♥

In thursday I was in Vaasa with my friends watching my friend and her band's show there at Taiteiden Yö. And yesterday me, Korppunen and my little sister were in Vaasa shopping and at hair stylist.

First things first, don't let me go to TopTen.. or at least to sale 3 CDs with 20 €, I just can't resist it ♥
Anyway, I bought this time:
Linkin Park: Hybrid Theory
AC/DC: Highway to Hell
Hanoi Rocks: Back to Mystery City
The salesclerk guy was staring at me, 'cause I was wearing Nirvana shirt..

But now, my new hair:
 Photo was taken yesterday.. my hair doesn't ever stay up, even I would use a bottle of hairspray..
But it was quite well yesterday, really, but it looks so flat in the picture.. damn. 
Anyway, now I got my Nasty Suicide hair, just a little more punk ♥ I first was gonna ask thye hyair stylist ro make me hair somehow between Keith Richards and Andy McCoy but I realized that I still love punk more. But I couldn't ever have imagined that I could be partly blond some day again... XD 

I took these today.. I know, I don't have makeup, I'm tired and I have headache 'cause of not sleepingfor three nights but anyway my hair's fine ♥ And the blond part is really SHORT, just 9 mm ♥

This kind of stuff.. next week school's calling, but I'd rather travel to London. I think I'd suite to riot people very well. Or I'd like to escape from here to anywere, to Stockholm or to Berlin or to Capetown or to New York or to... away.
But as philosopher Jagger said, you can't always get what you want.

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