perjantai 4. marraskuuta 2011

Wanna whole lotta love?

Oh my, a new reader! Fantastic! Should I say "welcome" or something? I hope you'll like my weird posts and this wouldn't get too boring, ya know.. so, welcome now officially. :3

OK, it's now morning about 8 am when I'm writing this and eating candy. Actually a lollipop. I thought it would me nice to do a post before we'll leave for Lahti between 9 and 10.. I could hardly sleep last night, even though I've been to few concerts before this (OK, this is my first club concert, and I'm kinda afraid of I'm gonna screw the thing up, 'cause I have really no idea how to be there)..
Go to check that if you have time:

I was shopping in Vaasa on wednesday, and I bought everything important.. Why everything ends the when you need them most? Like my eye-liner, mascara, foundation..

At last I've good waterproof mascara..
fucking expensive Lancome foundation, but it lasts long and covers well. I've used it long time and it has never let me down.. yet.
Then jewellery; ring from JC and bracelets from Glitter...
And I found Janis Joplin's collection from TopTen. Usually I hate collections but now I had to buy one, it's difficult to find Pearl or other Janis' albums from anywhere anymore, they're that old (unfortunately).. 

Now I think everything is fine. Tomorrow is my daddy's birthday at one pub, so I need to go there when we return from Lahti.. again a weekend with no sleep. I did yesterday three playlists for the party, two rock lists and one disco.. I think my dad I quite proud of my music taste, we fought about 15 minutes of is Led Zeppelin's Whole Lotta Love too "long and difficult to understand" for that kind of situation. If you ask from me, Iove that song. Best blowin song ever, don't sleep for week and then listen to it. You'll go as mad as I already am.

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