sunnuntai 22. huhtikuuta 2012

Oh Lord, would you buy me a Mercedes Benz?

That's how Janis Joplin sang in the end of 60's.. and still that little song is very clever.

When I listening to Janis Joplin in morning, I started to think about Mötley Crüe, 'cause I realized, that I'm gonna see them live after one and half month. Mötley Crüe is the biggest cliche in rock n' roll world, actually they created that what we call today "a rock n' roll cliche". And, because for them, we know that "the true rockers" drink, do drugs, have sex with groupies, drive drunk, buy houses that cost millions, have parties every weekend, they go often to rehab (in the most expensive hospital, of course). And if they have time, they play music or record new albums. We think, that the most important thing in gigs for musicians isn't playing or meeting fans, but that what happens after the show. Party. Living easy, nothing else matters.

But is that true? Do all of the rockers live like that? Do they really beat up their wives and cheat them with under-age groupies when they're on tour? Of course it's not true, and I think it's so frustrating that many people think like that. Not only violence, sex, intoxicants but satanism is a thing that rockers have been blamed about. That we, you people, are influenced badly because for our idols. Our parents believe that young people starts to drink, do drugs, have sex with random people, beat up kids on the streets and kick over gravestones in the graveyards, all because for our idols. If it's still up to us, I don't think that anyone is that stupid.

I know that many rockers have one drugs. I don't judge them, but you can think what you want. I think it's their own decision, and if they haven't hurt anybody and drugs have been assistance in making music, I don't judge them. But I'm not saying it's alright.
What about groupies, then? Young girls do that only for fame. They don't care about the rockers, only thing they care about is that who is the most popular person at the moment. I also know many rockers who have fucked groupies, but is it cheating? What actually is cheating? Sex or falling in love with other person? Difficult to say.
But violence is different. It doesn't matter is that person a rocker or normal man with wife and family. It's even worse, if the person is popular, 'cause then media know about it. Violence is wrong. Mötley Crüe is discordant band for me, 'cause I feel I should like it for all they've doen to groupies, how they've driven drunk, how Neil killed Razzle (drunk driving) and so on. Still I like their music, but otherwise they're too cliche for me. I can't like men who have made rehab a media game or fashion, 'cause drugs and booze are dangerous, and making it  public entertainment doesn't make it serious. Many rockers have died for those, for example Jim Morrison and Bonzo. What about them?

And the Mercedes Benz. Rockers are rich, as we all know. In America, everything is business and if you're famous enough, you can make money as much as you want, without any limits. Being a celebrity is business in USA. Stars live in huge houses, drive Cadillacs, buy most expensive clothing, hire personal trainers and so on. They can get everything with money. Different thing is that is it fare? I think it's not, if we're talking about "musician" who really hasn't done anything useful, or doesn't even make music herslef/himself. Those todays' superstars earn fucking much money by doing actually nothing, dancing and singing on stage and recording single in a month. I think this is a reason why some people want to end copyrights.
I think if the money really is earned, copyrights are fine. Of course it can sound crazy if Jimmy Page has earned 470 million dollars only from "Sairway to Heaven", but we should think how much that song ha been bought, listened and played. Is it fare then? I think it is.
Of course it's also about that how rockers use their money. If they give million to charity and forget about the new swimming pool in their luxury house, it creates an impression of unselfishness.

Many rockers did drugs when they were younger, but have been home and dry for many years for now. Many of them are vegetarian, do sports, have given so much money for charity etc. Think about this: Duff McKagan was long time on heroin, and lived every way that rock n' roll life nobody admired anymore. But without his investments, we wouldn't know company called Starbucks. So thank Duff for the best coffee in the world.
Or Alice Cooper; he was an alcoholic and almost died for it, but then he stopped drinking, and got religion. He has is own charity project too.
Or Jimmy Page. Everybody know his story from the 70's, drugs, groupies, occultism and so on. What is he doing today? He is the main sponsor of ABC Foundation, which helps Brazilian street kids.
Or did you know that everyone of The Clash were vegetarians, as well as sir Paul McCartney and Brian May?

World is full of good rockers, and I think all these damn bands like Mötley Crüe just ruin their reputation. Rock n' roll is so much more that sex and drugs, but I feel like too many bands have fogotten the "Rock n' roll" term from the slogan. That's why people who don't knwo anything about rock and then first they'll find out is in the same categhory with Mötley, it's no wonder they don't like it. My own opinion is that drugs, sex or money don't make it, but attitude does. That matters how rockers think about their fans or what they think about cheating and relationships, or what they think about the world and charity. I think, that rock has got boring today, and it doesn't seem dangerous the same way it has, but I'm not saying that the musicians should be idiots. They can make rough and dangerous music, but healthy life style isn't anyway away from their rock n' roll ego. I believe that fans are just happier too, when their idols don't die at age of 25, but at the age of 90.


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