sunnuntai 20. toukokuuta 2012

It's almost summer time, but living isn't easy..

Hey guys, and sorry. Month is too long time to be not writing anything here, I know. I just didn't know what to write, and it always seemed that I don't have time. But now I have a moment, so here I'm writing.

First, any special musical news? The drummer of The Band, legendary Levon Helm died at the age of 71, which was sad to hear. Black Sabbath announced few more tour dates with original line-up (without Bill Ward 'cause they're still fighting) and Tony, and their first gig was yesterday in Birginham. I wish I could have been there. Ozzy comes to Finland next week Tuesday, but I'm in Germany then. Me and my class leave for Berlin in early Tuesday morning, and I'm there 'till Saturday. Class trips are fn' nice, as we all know. Originally I didn't even wanna go to Berlin, I'd rather go to see Bruce Springsteen on stage ( that's no joke). If anybody's been there, can you tell me any good record stores in there or vicinity?

But hey, what I've been doing for a month? Good question, I have no idea. There's only 2 weeks left of grammar school, and then I'm free to.. it's like getting out of the cage but to be still locked inside. I'm not free to do anything, but to go high school. Anyway, this time's been full of extra things at school, exams, and entrance exam to IB..
I went to movies with the Fish to see Avengers ( Robert Downey Jr. <3) and Dark Shadows. Both were great. If you like Iron Man and Thor and if you think Scarlett Johansson is sexy, you must see the Avengers (she really is hot). And if you like Tim Burton (well, who doesn't?) and Johnny Depp, you want to die for laughing, and you want to see a different kind of vampire movie with 70's (and you love Alice Cooper) go to see Dark Shadows. I highly recommend both.   

If you think I've speng a month without buying a record, I must tell you I haven't. It's as hard for me as a month without booze for alcoholic. Here's where I've spent my money in this month:

Velvet Underground from TopTen with only 15€.. you should have seen the shop assistant's face when I walked to checkout..

And CDs of course too..
That Aerosmith album I got for birthday present, thank you for that♥
Robert Plant: Band Of Joy
Led Zeppelin: Untitled fourth album
Led Zeppelin: Mothership ( 2 CD + DVD edition)
Robert Plant: Manic Nirvana
Neil Young: Greatest Hits
Black Sabbath: Master of Reality
David Bowie: Scary Monsters (and super creeps)
All the albums are from TopTen.

Then I've been practising the performing for our school's spring prize day, where the ninth class' students have used to perform some songs. We play few songs too, but I'm playing only in one. And the time for practising is soon up 'cause we're in Berlin for a week, so I think I should take my guitar and amplifier to Berlin with me..

We play "School's Out!" in the spring party, and I practised it few days ago.. I started to play "School's Out!", but  few hours later I found myself playing "Whole Lotta Love".. problems at focusing, or I just needed more coffee.

I'm packing for Berlin.. which means I've somehow managed to spread my clothes around our house.. 

For the Berlin Trip I'm waiting the visit to Hard Rock Cafe the most. In the Hard Rock Cafe of Berlin there is the desk which is photographed to cover of School's Out! album by Alice Cooper, on display. 

On Wednesday 16th of May came two years of when Ronnie James Dio passed away. He ded on 16th of May 2010, but was still on tour in December 2009. I should have gone and see him live then, now it's far too late to speculate about that. But one thing's for sure, Ronnie James Dio is still the greatest metal singer who has ever lived on this planet. Rest in Peace.

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