lauantai 16. heinäkuuta 2011

Somebody should stop the time.

I feel like have done nothing last days. Or in few last weeks. Just watched TV and slept and listened to music. Is it even life?  Time's going by even I wouldn't do anything at all, it's annoying.
Someone could say, that at least I have time to relax, but it's making me crazy. I need to do something, cause otherwise the thing what happens is this; I lay on sofa for weeks without doing anything and then I wake to understand that I really haven't done anything.

I've had time to watch TV that mch, that I started to follow " In Treatment" again. I've seen before about half from the first season, and some episodes from the second, but now I decided to watch it all.

Gabriel Byrne as the therapist Paul Weston. In Treatment is interesting, cause everything happens almost always in one room, and there are two people talking to each other. But it's just damn adictive...The third season starts next monday, but after that HBO is not going to continue making the serie. Have to find the seasons on DVD from somewhere. (it come on YLE1 at 22.45 from monday to friday and i'm not so sure about the channel... can be YLE2)

Not only In Treatment, but I found one other serie too. Absolutely nothing to do with therapy. I've read few first Naruto books (or mangas, whatever) and my little sister have 2 first seasons of it on DVD. I thought it would be good ( I liked the books) and or course I'm hooked to it now. 
I couldn't have ever believed that some anime would be this good, cause my first experiences of anime where something horrible (like Pitchi pitchi pitch and that kind of stuff that I really can't stand at all)
I think my little sister knew I'm gonna love it.. anyway, there are Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto, and their sensei Kakashi. You know it's about ninjas XD
I like some anime movies like Hayao Miyazaki's films, but this is the only serie I like. 

I know my little sister knows lot more about this than me and she likes Gaara and Sasuke and many other people, but I have only one guy who I like... 
Yeah, I know I'm an idiot and this prooves that I have too much time to do everything senseless on vacation, but I love Kakashi. He is somehow... you know, interesting is wrong word... mysterious? He is quiet and somehow gloomy most of the time, at least compared to others like Sakura and Naruto, who are screaming all the time or fighting with each other XD
And Kakashi is cute name ♥ (it means scarecrow)  

So, time has gone by watching TV. And I'm soon bored to death, so I need to make up something else to do. My little sister'll get soon angry 'cause her Naruto season boxes can suddenly dissappear... Yeah, I'm sure I have the most boring life in the world.

Clashie calling, it's raining here.

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