maanantai 4. heinäkuuta 2011

Genre by Genre #4


You won't believe it from me easily, but I've always liked.. how I could call it.. black music? If I start from blues, I could say, that I've loved it actually quite long time ('cause for I play piano, and those pianoplaying books are full of classical little dances and then when there's one blues song it's different enough that I love it. You'd understand if you played piano in some music school. ). Books full of shit and one blues song. You'll see if you go to library and take some random piano school book.
Anyway, blues songs are usually in major, but inside of them is minor, that's called "blue note". It's same in minor songs, you can hear the blue note very clear in the song "St. James Infirmary" (the first guitar note in major, if somebody knows what I'm talking about).
About the blues music itself, I could say I love it's rythm. This is also a thing you'd understand after few years of piano lessons. It has its own little sad sound and rythm, especially about the rythm I could say, its not normal boring 1 2 3 4 rythm at all, it has.. you don't know how hard it is to explain. 
OK, back to blues. One of my favorite blues artists is Hugh Laurie. Believe it or not, he just is damn good. He has the sound and the style and the heart. His voice suits perfectly for singing blues. He just is perfect. I still think the best things of TV serie "House" are the ends when Hugh plays piano. Yeah, he's perfect.  
Other my favorite artists are.. who should I even mention? Professor Longhair was damn good piano player, Janis Joplin is woman who everybody knows, but blues as a genre would almost strech to Eric Clapton... Well, I think there are two lines of blues; original New Orleans blues with trumpets and pianos and more rocking 60's blues. Now I mention one finnish woman too, name is Erja Lyytinen, who plays nice blues too. It doesn't sound finnish at all, at is quite rocking ( I saw one live video). And she sings in English. Not bad.    

I think of all black music genres (jazz, blues, funk, soul, gospel...) my favorite is blues. It's not as sad or wining as people like to always think. Old blues songs bring some old hotels and mafia clubs from 1920's into my mind, men with stetson hats and suits and women wearing old style dresses, ya know. Sitting at table, smoking cigarettes and drinking wine, and listening some blues band which plays at the hotel's bar's stage. Ain't it cool? Like from some Goodfater I & II ♥
Rock blues sounds still like 60's. Janis Joplin died for drugs when she was 27, and all ten years were full of everything crazy from rock n' roll, drugs and sex to hippies and Bob Dylan, and to cold war, James Bond and Vietnam war... Weird times. 

That's what I think, but my opinion is that people need to hear music to understand what it really is. And by the way, we were in Tallinn for 2 nights and one night in Helsinki, I'll post photos from there and clothes and albums that I bought from there. 

St. James' Infirmary is originally partly traditional song, partly blues. The most famous version is from 1929 by Louis Armstrong, one of the most famous blues trumpetists of all time.

"Tipitina" by Dr. John. He is one of the greatest blues pianists of 20th century, and played Professor Longhair's song at French Jazz Festival in 1986 (Professor Longhair died in 1980). I'd like to put HUgh Lauries version of this song here too, put my f***ing internet doesn't work and I can't pick up more songs from youtube. Damn. Of course I like this version too, I'd like to be as good piano player as Dr. John.
Damn, look at his hands!

I think that was all. And now if I could post this writing, it would be nice too. 
Keep waiting for my shopping post, it will come next when my computer'll work again.

Bye, dears.

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