lauantai 11. helmikuuta 2012

Birthday wishes with fake blood

 I jammed electric & acoustic guitars with my friend one day. For hours. That was fun, we played CCR, Nirvana, Black Sabbath and Deep Purple. Alright, Smoke On The Water. I don't even now any other song by Deep Purple, sorry. I should find out, I know.

It's nice to be born on 7th of February:
Fabruary 4th is birthday of Alice Cooper, February 5th is birthday of Duff McKagan, February 6th is birthday of Axl Rose, 7th is mine, and February 8th is birthday of James Dean.
I can imagine taht I'm part of something great. Or I'm a part of a great line. Actually, I'm jeallous to my friend who was born on 5th of February.

The quiz: Who doesn't belong to the group?

Oh yeah, I bought birthday present for myself, of course :3 I bought it, packed it to present box and then pretended that I've got no idea what the box includes. Then I opened it and I was surprised..
Well not really, my habits are not that psychotic..

My birthday present: Young, loud and snotty by Dead Boys. ♥ 

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