sunnuntai 25. maaliskuuta 2012

Two days without music is too long time for me.

I feel like the last time I wrote was so long time ago. I hope it really isn't like that. 

I've been to Helsinki for two days, 'cause I attended to "Nuorten Parlamentti", Parliament for young people. Every second year, about 300 9th grade students are chosen to go there. We all had a chance to access to som eof the committees, like Environment comittee, financial committee, I went to meet the Grand Committee about EU stuff. Then, there had been organized a real question hour for us, where we had a chance to ask anything from Finland's Ministers. After that, we met environment minister Ville Niinistö and Minister of culture and sports, Paavo Arhinmäki. So, the day at Parliament House was interesting. 

It was also interesting to be two days without listening to music. How boring life can be without it? What I'm usually talking about, if I'm not talking about music? About school or environment or what? I don't actually know. 

Well, I was shopping in Tuuri and in Seinäjoki yesterday. Here something I found from there:  
Presence by Led Zeppelin, one of the best their records
Richie Blackmore's Rainbow by Rainbow
DVD of Marc Bolan, it cost only 3€, so I needed to buy it <3

And I bought the harp! At last, I've been looking for one since X -mas.
It's 10 necked Hohner's Blues Harp in G major, I was looking for 16 necked, but I could find a good one.

I love the sound. It's warm, rich and beautiful. It's lower as I expected, kinda alto,
if you know what I mean. I wish you do. There's one old instrument seller nearby Keskinen, the harp cost about 35 €. 

And to the end, some good musical news: Jimmy Page is to release new album! It's a soundtrack from the 70's, originally made for the film Lucifer Rising. You can pre-order it form his netpage, and it's coming for the public stores in November. First 93 copies include his autograph. You know what I'm gonna do right after writing this? :3
And, tomorrow is Steven Tyler's birthday. So best wishes for him too, and happy birthday. 
And have ya heard about the new Finnish TV show, which tells about rockstars who rescue homeless animals? The hostess of the show is Tony Iommis daughter Toni-Marie, who's lived in Finland for 4 years now. Many rockers like Iggy Pop, Michael Monroe and Kat von D (I can't remember everyone, there were many more) will visit in the show, maybe Tony Iommi too. So when it starts to come, check it out!


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