maanantai 23. toukokuuta 2011

Dancing in the rain

Hello everyone, it's raining here, has rained all day. Can you guess how wonderful it's to play football when you're wet like a dog? Anyway, I love rain, I love water, I love oceans so much. (sorry, I needed to tell that to ya guys.) But now to the point; as I promised here comes everything I bought when I was shopping last time with my friends. Damn I don't know where I lost that one Ramones album, I was sure that I bought it, but not then, I can't find it.  

The Clash is one of my favourite bands, quite different, if ya compare it to Sex Pistols, but still that punk, that more it couldn't be. Wonderful, and I love that shirt, from Rockjet about 17 € 

Not real leather, as ya can see very well, they're more like plastic. Suits for those 80's glamrock -days very well. From JC, only 5€

I'm not huge John Lennon -fan, but peace is peace. That's why I maybe need to say that I respect him as a musician and songwriter.. but I'm not a Beatles-fan! Mugg from TopTen with 6€ if I remember right.

And, from Anttila, Fairtrade sheets and pillowcase. ♥

Umm.. what else? I'm really not gonna take my photo here, 'cause the rain messed my make up and hair. And now my natural curly hair, which was straight in the morning, is curly again. Should I kill my hair?

A week ago Finland won the Ice Hockey World Championships. And I'm still drunk.
Not really, but at least fallen in love. And this is the song which everyone must can sing!

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