sunnuntai 25. syyskuuta 2011

Life's a piece of shit, sang Eric Idle, and he was right.

Sorry again for the break of writing, but honestly, now I've really got hands full of work or at least everything that I should have done. I've spent my time by playing piano for becoming music school's test and reading books of Mika Waltari for our Finnish lessons at normal school.

Well, I should start of that autumn is here. Damn. I can't stand storms and rainy days or wet weather any way. That makes my hair horrible and then I feel crab all day. Could I blame Jesus, if he's on charge of these weather things...?

Now I'm officially keepin art club for 7-9 years old kids. It's some church thing but it's alright, we don't talk about god there. And it's funny to spend time with little kids, and get money from it  >8)
Anyway, that will my freetime away so much, 'cause I think we have to plan more artworks there.. you know, they make everything so quickly, don't really spend time on anything too much. We have many great plans of the artworks, one is gonna be pop art Winnie the Pooh (or some disney dude anyway).. can't wait to get to explain about Andy Warhol for them.. then when they come to secondary school they already´know so much about art, thanks to me and the Fish >: D

Now about my musical.. problem? I hate clubs, where's alcohol selling without limits. That means, under 18 years old people can't go in. And that sucks. You know, on 17th of this month, Andy McCoy was playin at Rytmikorjaamo in Seinäjoki. And tickets were only 12 €! I was almost buying tickets there, but then some idiot told me that it's forbidden from minor. And I still have to wait for two and half fuckin years to get there. Or to see Andy live, he usually doesn't tour in "childrens" clubs or neither big festivals like Provinssirock. But maybe with Michael some day..? It's good to live on hope.

Now something happier; I heard that Michael Monroe has show in Lahti in Finlandia club on 4th of November!! It's allowed for minor (think!) and guess who's going there with her friend? <3 Tickets cost only 23 €, and I'm going crazy soon.. can't wait 'till November ♥ I love him I love him I love him.. And Sami Yaffa and Dregen play in Michael Monroe Band nowadays too.. ♥

Umm... what else? I was yesterday in Vaasa celebratin my friend's birthday, and I bought black "leather" pants from Gina Tricot. I usually never buy anything from there.. miracle has happened. I'll put here pictures when my camera starts to work again, I promise. Now I think I'll stop writing, and go to choose clothing for school photographing, which is tomorrow. 

                            " I write the lyrics of the songs in pine forest, 'cause branches are... quick. "
                     The words of wisdom of greatest Finnish songwriter (hint: looks smart in the pic, pointing at Sam).

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