perjantai 21. lokakuuta 2011

Gabba gabba hey!

Sorry for the break, (OK; this will become a mantra soon..) but Blogger hasn't agreed working with me. This week has been vacation from school, then next week we have that ECOweekend, what's organized for collecting money for our class. Tomorrow I'm going to Vaasa with my friend to buy jewellery (necklace & rings) and birthday present for my dad (he meets 50).. and after two weeks I'll be in Lahti <3 I have obsession, I know, sorry for that.

But I was shopping yesterday too.. I found the cutest lip balms ever, didn't I?

about 6 € from Seppälä. <3

And then, the shirt which I could kill for.. seriously. I had to borrow money from my little sister so I could buy it. But now, he is mine ♥

Slash shirt from Carlings cost 39,90 €
Slash has been my favorite rockstar about 6 years, as long as I've listened to GN'R so from when I was 9 years old. And I've never had Slash shirt before, but now I do. He's mine, mine, mine <3<3<3

Do you remember Hullabaloo,
Upbeat, Shinding and Ed Sullivan too?
Do you remember rock'n'roll radio?
Do you remember rock'n'roll radio?

Do you remember Murray the K,
Alan Freed, and high energy?
It's the end, the end of the 70's
It's the end, the end of the century

Do you remember lying in bed
With your covers pulled up over your head?
Radio playin' so no one can see
We need change, we need it fast
Before rock's just part of the past
'Cause lately it all sounds the same to me
 Will you remember Jerry Lee,
John Lennon, T. Rex and OI Moulty?
It's the end, the end of the 70's
It's the end, the end of the century

Ramones ~ Do you remember Rock N' Roll Radio?

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