perjantai 21. lokakuuta 2011

Welcome to my nightmare.. of music.

First of all, my "must have" wishlist of albums includes 44 albums as LP or CD, how ever. And of those 44 only 11 have been made after year 2000. And that list isn't perfect,  few bands are missing from it.

Anyway, that isn't the thing. This is:
Coldplay released new album this week. It menat to save the guitar rock of 21st century. I understand the pressure, but album got bad reviews from every magazine. The album repeat itself, songs are copies from old Coldplay hits, there's a duet with Rihanna.. Some journalist asked if  Coldplay really is that bad as the haters of the band say. Oh yeah, the band was saving the rock music. 
Metallica made new album too, this tim with Lou Reed. Even Metallica fans say that the band hasn't made good album for 20 years, and Lou Reed.. well, belongs not to this century, sorry. And what was the album like? Even Radio Rock didn't want to play the single, neither any other radio station. People laughed at it, and no wonder. I say "fuck that shit, I've always hated Metallica and that's ridiculous. Sounds like some old dude speaking on the tape which has been taken when every Metallica dudes have had horrible hangover." 

Rockbands mess themselves all their stuff, and they who don't.. somebody comes and rapes their music. And with "somebody" I mean pop. Lady Gaga wants to sing in Queen (in loving memory of Freddie Mercury.. as she says), wants to make duet with KISS.. She has told how Mötley Crüe is amazing, how she loves Green day.. you know.

Or they do it from their own will, like Alice Cooper... You know I love him so much, I really do, but a duet with Ke$ha? Has he gone mad? There's nothing bad in golf and Jesus anymore, if he will stop writing bullshit. I wish that Nightmare 2 was only a joke, but still.. Ke$ha in Alice Cooper's show?! I don't know, should I laugh or cry. But well, Cooper has made music over 40 years, so he wants to do something crazy, nobody can really say no.   

Piratism is one thing that I really hate. Are people really that stupid that they don't realize where the musicians get money from? Like some Spotify.. I understand, I listen some albums I don't have yet from there, but if the album is good I'll buy it. It's unfair for songwriters, that they don't get money from their work. I can proudly say that I haven't ever downloaded anything illeagally from the net, I mean albums or movies.   

Last two albums I've bought:
Kate Bush: Lionheart
Michael Monroe: Nights are so long

Somebody asked me why do I buy that much albums 'cause I could listen to them free, and I said I feel like I'm not real fan then. If I didn't buy my favorite band's album which cost 7€, I'd think I'm freaking selfish or  just Unckle Scrooge..

But there is something good in album business too. I told you about this before, but now I got the pics:

Ain't it great idea? Every music freak - eco people (like me) would absolutely buy more that kind of albums..  but I haven't ever seen any other album like that, only that one Clash..

please comment, I wanna know are you as freaked out about rock music's situation as I am 8)

Michael Monroe ~ Dead, Jail or Rock N' Roll

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