maanantai 9. tammikuuta 2012

Be careful what you fish for

Where have my readers gone? Why am I losing ya? I'm so sorry for my badness as a blog writer, if it depends on that, or my lazyness of updatings etc. I hope I ain't gonna lose the rest of you too. So writing more here cound be my new year's promise for ya.

Well, at first about my X -mas: I got books, books and more books for presents, a top hat, new carpet to my room, new pyjama.. but not albums at all. I was shocked. No CD's at all?

The books I got..

Anyway, school began again last week (on 2nd of January, c'mon!) On the 1st we had an little money collection project at huge grocery store.. we had to count every item of the store carefully, 'cause we had to count every label and size separately. And of course people had left there such a mess, so we had to clean the places up at the same time. That took about five hours, and we'll get about 130 € from the work.

After that I and the Fish went to see Sherlock Holmes 2 to movie theater.. I couldn't have imagened that some film could make me first cry, laugh, cry agin, laugh again, and the cry.. it was crazy. One of the best movies I've ever seen, I suppose. We went to watch it again yesterday, and we were cryin' there, again. I think other people at the film theater tought we have lost our minds or something, especially if they would have known we've already seen the film...   

These things above have kept me fully employed last days, so I haven't had time to write here, or to visit in twitter or anywhere at all. First, few days ago my dad just walked to my room Kate Bush's Wuthering Hights album in his hand and said, that he tought to buy it for me in TopTen.. great, it's beautiful album and quite hard to find from this town..
I've been just reading, drawing and listening to music by this time, but I don't know how long anymore, 'cause my Mp3 can shut dowm on any minute. Ya see, it's damn broken. I've read The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes in English (with dictionary, I admit, in other hand and Holmes in another..) And I started to draw again, as ya can see.. more failed it couldn't be, I guess, even though it's not ready yet..
There's also stuff I bought from Vaasa when I was shoppig last time:
Heroin Diary by Nikki Sixx and W.A.R by Axl Rose ( I love rock n' roll biographys, ya know),
Yin & Yang necklace from Ninja
Aerosmith collection "Big Ones" from TopTen sales..
I bought also HUGE AC/DC shirt (mes size XL) from RockJet, 'cause it was the only AC/DC shirt i the whole city, or it seemed to be. Sorry, I don't have a photo of it, 'cause my fn' camera...

Well, this is how my year has begun. I hope yours has been more balanced..

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