perjantai 6. heinäkuuta 2012

Band shirts? I've got a few...

Well, I could wait only few days after I got the money from my summer job, then I HAD TO order few band shirts from FullBreach77. It's the best rock band shirt shop I know, for all the people who love little punk and glam bands..the problem is that it's American, so the shipping cost 16 $.
Anyway, now I'm waiting for those shirts to come, and I sorted my old band shirts in case I could abandon few. Of course I couldn't, but I realized I have a nice kind of collection of band shirts, hoodies etc...

[Don't mind my old posters on the wardrobe doors...]

Ramones hoodie from.. actually I don't know the name of the shop,
it was a rock stand in a market year ago..

Slash shirt from Carlings
2 GN'R shirts from H&M (pathetic, I know..)

Michael Monroe hoodie from Levykauppa Äx
and Michael Monroe top from Backstage Rock Shop (from his show at Finlandia Klubi)

U2 -shirt is there behind.. bought from their show
David Bowie shirt is from TopTen
and the Rolling Stones shirt is from Dressman

Kurt and Courtney shirt is from Cybershop
Green Day -shirt's bought from their show in Helsinki 2 years ago

AC/DC shirt is from Rockjet
Mötley Crüe shirt's bought from their gig this year

Jimmy Page shirt is from some German music merchandise shop,
I bought it from Berlin as we were there in the spring

Led Zeppelin -shirts..other is from TopTen, other one
is from the same place than the Ramones hoodie..

The Clash shirt is from Rockjet
The Doors is from music store in Berlin, called "City Music"

Heaven & Hell shirt is from Levykauppa Äx
and Alice Cooper shirt is from TopTen..

And now I'm waiting for those two shirts from USA, Stiv Bators and Hanoi Rocks. I'd also love to find Ozzy Osbourne or Randy Rhoads -shirt, Megadeth -shirt and Rush -shirt. 

Someone is going to ask next, that do I have any other shirts? The answer is: well, um, let me check... two black shirts, that's it. So really no. So in case you have a problem or question about some shirt thing, I believe you can ask that from me. (:

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