keskiviikko 4. heinäkuuta 2012

News and thoughts..

I've gotta write about some news which I saw in the morning.
First one was about Tommy Lee, and he was telling what he thinks about fan photos. He obviously hates photos with fans, as he told "when he bought all his Led Zeppelin albums and tickets, he never thought some day the band would owe him a picture" and " he owes nothing to his fans". The reason I had to write about it is that he thinks Mötley Crüe is something so much more than the band really is!
Mötley Crüe is famous for everything else but its music. It's famous for drugs and girls, not music at all actually. Mötley has never been musically important band, the only reason why it's still existing is the fans. Mötley Crüe owes everything to their fans, because without fans that band would be nothing. That's why, as a "fan" it pisses me really off when Mr. Lee says that he owes nothing to his fans.
Led Zeppelin is totally different, I know that Tommy Lee knows Led Zep is so much more than just a band. It's musically one of the most important bands of all time, and I can say, they owe a lot to their fans too, but maybe not as much as Mötley Crüe. Every band and musician owe their carreer to their fans, 'cause without anyone who is ready to buy their records (even the worst ones) or anyone who is ready to go to gigs regardless of the band's mood (even the band is that drunk that the gig sucks), the band can't go on. It's nothing. So the bands owe so much to their fans.
Of course I understand Tommy Lee's opinion about those who come to tell they want a photo with no situational awareness. Like if he is dining with his family and so asshole comes to ask for a photo, I know it can piss him off. I've heard many scary stories of crazy fans, so it's no wonder he doesn't like photos with all of them. But still, it's wrong to say that the band owe nothing to its fans.

The other one was about Queen. When the Football European Championships were organized in Kiev, there had been a free charity concert, and the performers were Elton John and Queen. Queen with Adam Lambert. Some guy had put a video of the whole concert to Youtube, so I watched it (I would have liked to go to Sonisphere in Knebworth to see Queen). Well, the comments were.. let's say that the amount of criticism was enormous. Most of the people thought that Adam Lambert was wrong person to "play Freddie" and Brian May is guilty of treason when he turned Queen from the real stadium band to club tribute band.
I just have to mention that Adam Lambert is different kind of singer than Freddie, Adam has higher voice and not as strong voice as Freddie did. Still if you look at the today's singers, can you find any better to sing with Queen than Adam? I mean, that the singer isn't a copy of Freddie? I agree with that nobody can play Freddie Mercury, because there is a strong vision in people's minds what the singer of Queen should sound like or how he should act like. Nobody can change that.
It's not Queen, but it isn't a bad fake either. There's still Brian May and Roger Taylor, and I can't understand what they sould be doing today, that has nothing to do with Queen? Queen has personified to Freddie Mercury, but Freddie isn't Queen. Why should other three members just forget 20 years fom their lives? Maybe Adam wasn't right choice, maybe the whole plan was bad, maybe, maybe, maybe.. They made their decision and respect that. And if they tour as Queen and come to Finland, I'll be there.

The text became so much longer than I thought O_O
Now I've gotta mention that I'm jealous to all the people who could go to Tuska Festival in last weekend. I didn't go there, but after I heard that Dave Mustaine actually had been on the good mood and the crowd had seen him even smiling (at Megadeth's last gig in Finland he had been quite pissed off..) I repent that I didn't go there. But I believe that Megadeth will come to Finland again (and again and again..) and I know that Dave isn't as bad as Axl, so I'm positive about this. 

I actually haven't been doing anything special, just doing some sports, playing guitar and painting. I should read all of the 10 books I got for X-mas present but I didn't bother to start. I was about to go to Ruisrock until I realized it's much too soon, in the weekend already, so I can't go. Then I thought about Porispere too, it would be cool to see Marky Ramone live ♥
And I realized how wonderful idea library (with good music and book collection) really is. I borrowed about 15 CDs from Library of Vaasa last time I visited there. The best thing is, that I don't have to pay XD

Well, this came quite random post and I don't want to bore you with too much writing (it's already too much, I know) so I think I'm gonna end the post to this. Remember to eat strawberries and watch mafia films! (:

Hippie cars suit to summer, right?

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