keskiviikko 11. heinäkuuta 2012

Music freaks or snobs?

I just started to think about people. And music, of course. Actually, I started to think about why do the most of the people listen to music. Because they love it? They love some special band or artist? I don't think so, because many of the people don't have any kind of taste of music. They listen to that what they hear from the popular channels, whatever it is.

Of course there's a lot of people who love music and they like some special genre or some special style. They feel it's their thing, it's something own. When you listen to song you haven't heard before and you like it, and you like it that much that you have to buy all the albums of that new band within next two weeks, I think it's something personal. I think there's always a reason why people like songs, and that reason can be very private and personal. That makes your and your favorite band's relationship special. The band's got something that has touched you, and I think that's the treasure of music. To some of the people.

Then, there are those who don't understand anything about music. Or they do, but they don't want to make music, they want to create something more. Like art students who started to make music that's art. What happend? Progressive rock was born. I'm not saying that all the proge guys are snobs, but I think that proge has something to do with those who don't listen to music for music, but for making an impression of smart person.
I just started to think about this when I read stories of how people in normal high schools think that IB school students are snobs and look down on normal high school students. For me, getting to IB had nothing to do with that I wanted to show to people I'm good at school or smart or other bullshit, I wanted to get to IB because I want to get out of Finland. Not very snob, or is it?
I think the same thing that happens with high schools happens with music. I mean, some guy buys Led Zep album, 'cause he wants to sound smarter than ordinary trash metal fan. Or some person can buy all of the Pink Floyd albums, 'cause he wants to show how well-informed about music he is. I think it's wrong, but if they really use their money to that, it's alright for me. Then the good bands just get money from idiot snobs, but whatever.

I wanted to write about this because I'm not going to change only because I'm in IB school next year. Should I start to listen to jazz and proge or classical music only for showing other how clever I am? Fuck that, I say. I'm still going to listen to rock, I'm going to listen to Underground Garage every Friday, I'm going to see Alice Cooper live, I'm going to spend all my money in Levykauppa Äx, and I'm still going to visit at Jim Morrison's grave some day. That has nothing to do with IB snobs. That's all I need to say.

This was just a flow of thoughts.
Please, don't get into a muddle.. XD

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