maanantai 27. kesäkuuta 2011

Genre by Genre #3

Eastbay Punk

Eastbay punk was born in San Fransisco and nearby that city, in the middle of 80's. I know it's on west coast of USA, nut Eastbay was a bay little bt south from San Fransisco, about at Oakland. Anyway, punk started from little bands, which played in little teenagers' clubs, usually there where about 50-100 watchers of the show. Idea was that anyone could play and have a band - that's why many bands died quickly. Eastbay punk was originally like 70's punk; quick and easy songs with too loud guitars. Nowadays it has changed a lot, but in some songs of modern punkbands you can still hear Eastbay sound. In these days, it's fucking hard to try to find any Eastbay punkbands' LPs, cause most of them were sold in 80's so little, just hundreds or thousands copies. Nowadays those copies are damn rare, and you'll need to pay hundreds of euros of one; if some idiot wants to sell his/her owns away.   

In 80's genre wasn't well-known, but nowadays you all have heard about Green Day, Sum41 or Bad Religion, right? Green Day was actually my first touch to genre, about -well- seven years ago, when American Idiot was played from radio all the time. I was in Green Day's show last summer with my friend, and that was something wonderful. Green Day is still one of my favorite bands, and it has been a long time somewhere deep in my heart. Never gonna give them up, never. And, you all should see Billie Joe Armstrong's hair live, I love it <3  

OK, of course there's other bands than Green Day. Actually, by Green day I've fallen in love with Hüsker Dü, The Replacements and Operation Ivy, they all are little Eastbay punk bands that don't exist anymore. Unfortunately. 

The thing with always hits in punk, is having fun. All that, playing music, hanging in parties, drinking etc. is always fun in punk. Of course punk often talk about something serious like exclusion, depression, drug addiction or that kind of stuff, but especially Eastbay punk never falls into that pathetic space where everyone are killing each other or killing themselves. In punk genre, there are many beautiful point of wievs of loneliness and other feelings; always to the question of killing themselves. Many punk artists have died 'cause for drugs and I think nowadays that all thing has calmed down a little. Nobody's explosing places up anymore. Unfortunately, 'cause punklife could be quite fresh and different, compered to normal Finnish girl's life. Exciting lifestyles have always been existing just for me. 

But I'm not gonna talk more shit, cause Eastbay punk show it's teeeth best by listening it. So, enjoy dears. 

Green Day is still quite hated in oldschool Eastbay punk clubs, 'cause they made punk to be commercial product, and in short time well-selling and popular. The reason why I respect punk is the principal of "no selling themselves" which was the term for commercial music business. But Green Day didn't do wrong; it's still only 15-25 aged people's own little punkthing. Which we're holding so tight, cause for our age people it should be like a piece of gold.

The Replacements and Operation Ivy. Without these bands we wouldn't have Green Day or any other, and post-punk would be only utopia in the middle of world of lady Gaga. Be happy of that it's not like that. 
Sum 41, which isn't nowadays as famous as Green Day. It wouldn't mean that their carreer is somehow worse; band was in Finland in last October.

And as you can see, I've learned again how to use my brains, and I can write in English again whole text. I really would need some lesson of that how people usually sleeps at night, cause I have a problem with it. And I don't even drink a lot coffee anymore, only 4 cups!  

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