maanantai 6. kesäkuuta 2011

Somehow, everyhow, panic is coming to knock my door.

Why there's always so dark in my room? Anyway, try to see my dresses from the pics..

OK, this is the most pink cloth that I've ever had, that time I'd remember it. Not so rock and often feels too cute for me, but with some accesories (how you write it?) looks nice. Bought from Ellos last summer. But why I look like I'd be bregnant when I use it?! Oh my god... XD

This is old one, bought when I was in primary school. I could use it in my confirmation party (even it has one ribbon in the middle of it).. I bought it from Tampere, but I can't remember what store.. anyway, with that jacket it looks nice I think, or am I wrong?

This one I bought a year ago from Vaasa, from one postvintage store. It was expensive, almost 200 €, but I love it somehow. It's grey and dark green, girly but not too girly for me.

I think some of those dresses I'm going to use in my confirmation party next week sunday. And yeah, school's has ended last saturday and now it's summer vacation for next two and half months. I tried to get a summer job but unfortunately I didn't, so I really don't know what to do! Just relax, everyone say, but I'm not good at relaxing. I want to always do something, more or less important or stupid.
And some happy news, now I'm official volunteer of Greenpeace (after long thinking and planning)!

I hate confirmation, 'cause I don't believe in God. I haven't since I was five years old. ( I was clever child, I agree. ) I always miss some logical explenation for everything, and believeing is not one of those for me, 'cause it's not same as knowing. Example: somebody gets sick: he has fever, bad feeling, he's tired and he could have pain. What you say? Is it God's penalty or infection? If someone's been in jungle for 20 years and he's got tuberculosis, is that God penalty or logical desease? I don't  get what's believers' proof. Faith isn't a proof, 'cause it doesn't safe you from death or trouble or anything.

That's why I don't believe. 'Cause up there is nobody.

The best thing of confirmation is, that you can get (or you will get) lot of money from your relatives and other people. It's the only good thing. But by the way, you canät ever guess what I've been listening to all weekend and today. Or what kind of music. I promise to tell you later, so see ya for now.

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