lauantai 25. kesäkuuta 2011

I spent only an afternoon in TopTen...

Now I found my camera! (aplods, pleazee..) And I made up how every random person can send comments to posts, so now it's possible, I suppose..

I promised to put here some pics of all stuff I bought when we were shopping last wednesday. And I didn't buy clothes at all, which is a miracle.

Bingo.. I didn't realy buy same Bowie -album three times, the middle -one is real, down-one is empty box (it's filling the picture) and up-one is only a paper on my 20th Nirvana -collection album. So I bought David Bowie's album. And Velvet Revolver, Foo Fighters,  AC/DC, Alice In Chains, Hugh Laurie and Ramones.

Best blues-piano-trumpet song of all history (for me). Just love it.

Something to do for rainy days; watch 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th season of House and after that Charlie Chaplin's movies. I love them too. The big box of Chaplin's shortfilms I bought in wednesday, others I've stolen from my dad before...

Something to read; Hugh laurie's the Gun seller (don't ask why the translation is so stupid in Finnish), The adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Conan Doyle and Michael Jackson's Moonwalk.

That kind of things this time, next week I'm going to Helsinki and Tallinna for few days so I'm not posting then.. I hope I'll find some cute little LP store from somewhere..

~~Ziggy Stardust, Suffragette City, Changes~~

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