keskiviikko 9. helmikuuta 2011

I fight for love, human rights and English!

Sorry for everyone, who can't speak English very well.. this is kind a backlash for all that I've heard last three-four weeks about speaking English.. I'm really going crazy with my school and leadership especially.. Some women like to think (this is how it seems to me) that they can influence to one person's life, only 'cause she can't speak Finnish very well. (She's from Asia and has been here about one and half years.) The reality is, that they don't have any kind of authority, that we would respect, or obey... and now, they want to attack agaist her, 'cause that's easy for them..
It hurt to see, what shit they really have talked to that person. Or I don't really even know how they talk with her, 'cause no teacher in our school can speak proper English. And that one fucking mericle, how it's bossible, that persons, who have studied 15 years English in university level, can't reallt say anything else than "hello". It's not my fault, if I point it out.
If you think practically, you should understand, that person, who is my age, don't learn new languages in one year. No one can, only little children, if it is their motherlanguage. And in this case, not at all. Finnish is one of the hardset languages in the world, only it's accent sounds weird almost for everyone else than to us. Also, there's millions of ways to speak Finnish, and you can change the words as you like, or how it suits for you best. That's a shock for every tonal language, where the tone matters to that what the word means. For many european nations Finnish sounds like japanese, and then what if you come from China, Japan or Thailand? It's not fare to espect, that immigrant learns perfect Finnish in three years! You can still notice from people, who have come here as immigrant, even 30 years ago, they can't still speak proper Finnish.
And the other thing is, that if you want to succeed international, around the world, you have to can speak proper English. English is the easiest language in the world, and most usual, you can use it almost every country, and every people in the world have even heard it somewhere. It's often a link between Asia and Europe, and easiest way to create new contacts to countries, where people speak language that you've never heard before. Where ever you travel, you'll need English.
Finns are (for some reason) far too proud of Finnish language. Of course it's nice to can speak this kind of rare language, but that's all. It's not important, globaly. The point I mean is, that they don't respect if someone thries to speak Finnish, I mean someone from other country. The attitude is, that if others can't speak Finnish, they are just somehow stupid. They have being treated depressive, no matter who is that person. I'll give you an example:
The first, friday's U2 show in last autumn started with Bono saying: "Helsinki, mikä meininki?" Then he talked about Seven Brothers (that book) saying the names Juhani, Simeoni and Eero. He thanked also Mari Kiviniemi and his physiotherapist Jussi someone, I don't remember his last name... Anyway, in the end he said " Kiitos" and "heippa". I still think it was cute, and I understood everything very well. But, for example the journalist who wrote story of it to magazine, focused on Bono's mistakes. The journalist wrote, that " More practising would have been good idea " and " At last he said it quite understandable ".
What the F*ck?
Should we be even a little happy, that he tried to speak Finnish? How many of that kind of mega stars really even say "hei" in Finnish? But the attitude was still, like "why he had to even try to speak Finnish, 'cause he couldn't speak it anyway?" It's not easy for anyone to speak language, that sounds to different, if you compare it even to English. I have to say, that I was so proud of him, and I'm now even more, when I know that general attitude.
It's everyday for me to hear, when one tries to speak Finnish, and try to teach her to say words right or explane what some words mean. It's funny but also rewarding. If that someone can say whole sentence right, we almost scream and hug her and everything (she's probably thinkin' we're going nuts).. And nowadays she understand everything what we say in Finnish, but can't herself speak it very well, because for the accent. And the school teachers think, that she can't speak it. And now, the rules are, that we souldn't speak English to her, or she can't even answer in English in tests anymore. That's why I'm writing this in this "wrong" language. As an response for those idiots, who really believe, that we would understand our "mistake" some day. It's not mistake to care or love friends. Am I right?
I'm angry and sad and I'm embarrassed for that I'm a Finn. And I've almost started to hate my motherlanguage in these weeks. And that one bitch knows very well why, even she tries to act, that she doesn't understand what we have tried to explane for her.. And she sould know this:

I fight for love, human rights and English language!

 My little Bono can speak Finnish (with freakin' cute accent) < 3 

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